Thursday, 26 April 2012

The results are in!

Householders survey

We distributed over 1,000 survey forms and we received
v 186 responses
   Ø  49 online, 137 postal
   Ø    approximately 15% return rate for distributed forms

We have presented the £100 cash draw to the lucky winner (requesting no publicity).

The data from the householders survey has supplemented a much larger computer modelled database for the entire town.

v  Two detailed reports have been produced 
   Ø Housing stock assessment modelling in Louth
·        Energy efficiency and the potential for low-carbon improvement.
   Ø An assessment of renewable energy potential in Louth
·        Solar
·        Biomass
·        District Heating
v There are 3 copies of a report summarising both the larger reports.
v We have received 3 models of brick wall insulation (cavity, solid interior and solid exterior) and hand outs explaining technology involved.
v We have received a large portable display stand for community engagement and laminated A3 posters detailing key points of reports.

What next?
v  To publicise the “Green Deal for Louth” website. This will carry the summarised reports for public access. ( online from 1st May 2012)
v  Encouraging community groups to use the reports to stimulate interest in household energy saving investment. 
v Produce A5 size hand outs for distribution to the types of properties in Louth that would benefit most from energy saving investment.
v Continue to monitor progress of governments “green deal” and any other schemes that encourage low carbon household investment.

All suggestions welcome!