Sunday, 5 February 2012

The first LEAF of spring!

Sorry for the pun in the title, but the good news is that we have been successful in obtaining a grant through the Local Energy Assessment Fund (LEAF). The grant of approximately £30,000 will allow us to commission the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to undertake and in depth study of Louth's housing stock. There will be the opportunity for households to win £100 in a free draw as a reward for completing a short survey on the energy saving aspects of their property  This information will enable us to assist local householders through:
* Advice and support on the most suitable energy saving technologies for their type of property.
* Possible negotiation of bulk buy rates for energy saving technology supplied under the "Green Deal".
* Providing a starting point for discussions on community owned renewable energy generation installations.

We are planning a series of media and public space awareness raising events which will explain in greater detail the scope and content of the report.

If you'd like more information please email or phone James on 01507 607252


  1. Hopefully the report can be used to influence planning applications for more sustainable building designs and modifications,as well as raising general awareness about the issues of peak oil and climate change.

  2. We're on the map - - where you can also see all the other LEAF project.


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